Aren't Holidays the Greatest?!

Hi everyone! Well, here it is, almost a month since my last post.... and I've been on holidays! So grab yourself a pot of tea and settle in for a whole lot of photos of a really fun trip. Firstly, we had to delay the trip because the roads were closed... closed because it RAINED! Before we all get too excited, not the earth shattering drought breaking kind of rain, but a significant amount which was widespread and has greened the place up nicely. We had over a few weeks around about the 100mm mark, (which is more than we had in the entire year for 2018 I'm told) so it was significant. Alongside this, there was the flow of the Paroo into the floodplain, so there is still a lot of water hanging around in the channels and drains on the sides of the road. There is water in the river again, though it has subsided from the height of the flow to a stable and slow moving 1m -1.5meters. It did get up to about 2.9 which was very nice to see. So, we went to the North Coast of NSW. We t...