A new year and a new blog

Hello, This post has been a long time coming. I've been thinking about it, wondering what I might do and if I really want/need/have energy for a blog. And here I am, with a new improved blog and a bit of a introductory and starting post. Now, if you know us you'll know there was no way we could have predicted all of the 'things' that happened in the past year. I struggled to think of the good things, and I was feeling a but regretful, until I realised that even though, for the most part, there were pretty awful situations and experiences, they also taught us a whole lot, and led to the decisions that we make now which we wouldn't be freely making had we not had those experiences. Not everything was bad - we swam with a dolphin named Tallulah at Sea World in October and that was an amazing experience, not only for Simon and I but the kids too!!!!!!!!! So, in no particular order, last years lessons: 1. Speak up - even if your voice shakes (thanks Dolly). You s...