A new year and a new blog


This post has been a long time coming. I've been thinking about it, wondering what I might do and if I really want/need/have energy for a blog. And here I am, with a new improved blog and a bit of a introductory and starting post. Now, if you know us you'll know there was no way we could have predicted all of the 'things' that happened in the past year. I struggled to think of the good things, and I was feeling a but regretful, until I realised that even though, for the most part, there were pretty awful situations and experiences, they also taught us a whole lot, and led to the decisions that we make now which we wouldn't be freely making had we not had those experiences. Not everything was bad - we swam with a dolphin named Tallulah at Sea World in October and that was an amazing experience, not only for Simon and I but the kids too!!!!!!!!!

So, in no particular order, last years lessons:

1. Speak up - even if your voice shakes (thanks Dolly). 
You see there are people in positions of 'power' and just because they say, it does not make it right. Just because they are the principal or teacher, or the best friend or the postman does not matter. If you have something to say, and you're not being listened to that is not right - you should be able to disagree without being belittled, bullied or disregarded. So, speak up, and if they don't listen, then speak to someone else. This lesson took a while to sink in, but I think we've got it now. To read more about Dolly and her anti-bullying legacy please go here https://dollysdream.org.au/

2. Our family is the most important thing
You see for a few months Simon and I had 2 homes... one in Wanaaring and one in Tibooburra. Life was off-centre. We were apart when we wanted to be together and when we needed each other, we weren't readily available... yes there is phone and internet, but quite simply... living apart does not work for us. We've learned that, we won't forget it in a hurry.

3. There's more than one way to skin a cat (thanks Dad for that saying!)
We are now home schoolers. We are not home schoolers simply because we have no other choice right now, we are home schooling because we choose to be. We choose to lay in bed and read good books. We choose to learn fractions by cutting up pizza (that we've had to measure ingredients for and wait for dough to rise). We choose which math program and when spelling lessons are. We set the curriculum because we believe we know what our kids need to learn right now and what can wait. And here's the bit that most don't understand yet... just because this is our choice, it does not mean that we are judging your choice to educate your kids by sending them to school. I love hearing what your kids are doing - I love stealing the ideas from their teachers and I love the freedom to create our own eclectic blend for our children to follow their interests and passions. I'm not going to apologise for this anymore. Our choice is ours to make, and if that causes you some distress (not that it really should) then I challenge you to try to work out why this is.

4. Not finishing is not the same as giving up
I know a lot of people will say of me when I'm gone that I started a lot of things - ok, they're mostly craft projects that have been overtaken by new ideas and projects that become more time sensitive - like that baby blanket for a newly announced pregnancy. Then there are the ones that were started for an event - like a wedding, but not finished in time. Then there is a third category - the ones that I don't like, so get shelved waiting for me to realise why I didn't like the result, or to undo and restart, or just look pretty as they are... half done, not functional but pretty. Sometimes it's not the finished product that is important, but the process of making whatever it was. Craft projects are really a mindfullness strategy for me - an escape from the busy... my thinking time.

Then there is the great unfinished thing in the closet - the Masters degree, the white elephant in the room no one wants to talk about. Now, I started a masters of primary teaching with the intention of having being finished by now, and becoming a teacher.... but that's not now things have worked out. And the honest truth is, I may not finish that masters degree. I may do, but life may have gotten in the way too. And instead of beat myself up about how "I never finish anything" boy, how grateful am I that I spent 18months before I started homeschooling learning edu-speak, learning how to document progress towards outcomes, how to even read those syllabus documents and how to plan a lesson that 'ticks them off'. As a homeschool Mum, I don't actually need to do this, but it really does help to make the whole registration process much easier.  So, while I haven't finished that degree, and even though I am really close to the end, I might not finish it. I'm not giving up, I'm not defeated, I just don't need the piece of paper, and I already have the knowledge. I already do what I started the degree for, each and every day - I teach. I am a teacher. The uni says I have till 2022 to decide so for now, it's on the back burner.

5. Friends come and go, and that is OK.
I never really understood what people meant by seasons for friends. I've been blessed with some friends that I've had for years - like 20 years, and when you see them it's like nothing ever changes. Then there are some short sharp friendships that are over in a flash, but were really important while they lasted. Then there are new friends - people that you meet, for whatever reason, at the exact moment you're meant to meet and if feels like you've known each other for years. I've had all of these friendships this past year - and some will stick around and some will pass, but I'm ok with that now. I've learned to let this happen and to not worry - for when the time is right, the right friend will be too.

So there they are - the 5 big lessons of 2018.
2019, I am ready. Homeschool Mum, wife of a country cop and crochet-addicted woman. I wonder what we'll get up to this year... stay tuned and we'l figure it out together. Guaranteed to be some more unfinished or simply abandoned projects stashed away in a out os sight cupboard, but hopefully some will get of the shelf and finally be finished.

Here are the current works in progress...
This is mine. I recently went on a Crafty Adventures cruise with Shelly Husband (spincushions.com.au) teaching squares from her book, Granny Square Flair and her Mayan Blanket pattern. Here is where I am up to. As of today, I have 3 complete squares and I'm about 1/2 way though my 4th one... there needs to be at least nine. Isn't it predddddyyyyyyy!!!!!

The boys are continuing with their harry potter love. And of course I was 'just looking' at Harry Potter crochet on google.... well this pattern called the Harry Potter CAL was located at the exact moment that Morgan walks in... no amount of hasty clilcking the minimise button prevented his seeing what I had been looking at the next thing you know we are printing and binding the pattern and I am making Harry Potter blankets x2... cause Austin wants one too.... sheesh

And this beauty is going to be a baby blanket for a special baby this winter. A dear friend told me last week she is expecting and so out come the cotton colours (these are Sheepjes Cotton 8) and after letting my heart decide we have a zig zag blanket which has some texture to it, though you can't quite see it there. What I love, is that Jehni has helped choose the colours and that she is as excited about me making it as I am - maybe because she's a fellow maker and homeschooler - but she gets it. The time the agonising over colours, and patterns and designs... she just gets it.

And that was a happy little mess I had going over the weekend. My happy place, my bed with my yarn spread out, working though whatever thoughts were spinning at the time.... ahh bliss!

So for now, that is all. I hope you'll enjoy sharing my space with me. I feel like I need a new name to go with this new space, so if you have an idea, then shoot me a message hey!

Love and Blessings,


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